Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tukuhnikivatz Arch

Gopher Flats
Moab. UT
April 7, 2018

This past Saturday was our first club (Moab Friends For Wheelin') trail ride for the year.  The trail scheduled was Tip Toe Behind the Rocks.  Behind the Rocks is a great place to explore...it's a region of fins, arches, spires, canyons and amazing views.  Todays trip was made even more exciting because it included a side spur and hike to Tukuhnikivatz Arch... pronounced tuk-oon-ik-ah-vatz... otherwise known as Tuk Arch and a new arch for us !  
Visiting at the trailhead before we started.  

In total, we had 12 vehicles...a nice variety of jeeps, buggies, and truck buggies. 

Heading towards Tuk Arch on the spur was new for us.  It is an in and out trail as it dead ends at the trailhead for the arch.

Looking south away from Moab...

...and north towards Moab.

One the way, we passed another new to us arch.  This is Moab Arch. 

 I wish the light had been better.  Glen told us that when the sun is directly over the arch you can see the light coming through and get a much better photo.

This is Tukuhnikivatz Arch in the center of the picture below. This arch got its name because on a clear day, the peak of Tukuhnikivatz Mountain can be seen through the arch.  Tuk Mountain is the third largest mountain in the LaSals, but the most prominent mountain viewed from Moab.  Translated from the Ute language, the name means "place where the sun sets last". 

It was a steep climb to the arch with many boulders waist high for me.  Not to worry,  I had lots of help!  Unfortunately, the peak was covered in clouds.  

This is a little arch compared to so many others in Moab.  It was just tall enough for me to stand under and I am right at 5 feet tall.  Franklin and Theo pose under the arch while Mack explores.  

We could see the jeeps and folks who didn't make the climb down below.  They don't really show up well in the photo.  But for a reference, the tiny white line running through the center of the picture is Hwy 191.

The view from the arch is amazing even on a mostly overcast day !

From there it was back on the main trail for some fun on the rocks.  

It was a great day with old friends and new friends.  So until next time, take care and...
Pearl does her thing!

P. S. If you look real hard you can see both arches from Hwy 191 north heading into Moab.  We have traveled Hwy 191 so many times and never noticed either one. 


  1. I immediately look at all the photos that I took on our way in, but I realized I have deleted most of them. I was hoping I caught those arches :) Next time. Your adventure has been going on earnest.

    1. Isn’t that just the way it is MonaLiza? Both Arches are very hard to see if you don’t know they are there...

  2. That's a great picture of Will E and the articulation you now have, good competition for the Mr.Twister award :) The arches are awesome and the remote locations allow for a little fun in getting there.

    1. Actually that is a picture of Pearl Jeff. We chose not to take Wile E that day as it was a “Tip Toe” trail. Pearl does have a good flex ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰!

  3. Awesome arches! Moab Arch reminds me of Landscape Arch. I'm glad the dogs were sitting under Tuk Arch so we could see how small it is. Good to see you out on the trails again:)
