Saturday, June 22, 2024

It's Summer !

Corona de Tucson

June 21, 2024 

Yep...hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer have officially begun and I am loving it !  

The Northern Hemisphere's summer solstice typically falls between June 20 to June 22.  This years solstice occurred on June 20 and is the earliest solstice in 228 last occurred on June 20, 1796.  

On Saturday, we met Jamie and Andra in town.  We strolled thru Gather and the other warehouse shops in the Lost Barrio neighborhood.  Gather is such a fun place to is always "dressed up" in the season and this month's market was very patriotic.  

And it turned out to be a lucky day.  For quite sometime, I have been looking for a table to replace the one between two chairs in the living area.  It's funny how the eye can just spot something and you have a really good idea "this is it".  I had not even considered round, and thought I "needed" a rectangle table with drawers.  But, this vintage table made by Jaycee Furniture in England is perfect.    


Afterwards, the four of us enjoyed lunch at Barrio Brewing...Joe and I devoured yummy Pub Fried Fish Tacos with slaw, Pico de Gallo (a fancy way to say salsa), and topped with habanero cream sauce served with beans and corn chips.  

Monday I had a mammogram and Tuesday Joe had an appointment at the eye doctor.  Dr. McColgin was pleased with Joe's progress...she removed the lens and says the cornea is healed.  She did leave the plugs in the upper and lower openings that drain fluid from the eye so his tears can continue to provide the enzymes that help prevent infections.  He returns in a month.  His eye is red and vision is about what Joe expected and he says the procedure was worth the time and discomfort.  And as we often say around here, "One day at a time." seems to sum it all up.     

Thursday, we were up early and headed north to Oracle.  I had made a reservation at Life Under the Oaks Lavender Farm.  We visited this beautiful farm last year and had such a nice walk and picnic brunch that we went back again.  I am so glad we did...sometimes when revisiting a fun place it doesnt have the charm that it did on the first visit.  Not the case here.  

The weather was so nice...sunny with a calm breeze and cool temps compared to home.  The flowers were so pretty...snapdragons, wisteria and yucca not to mention the wonderful lavender and its delightful fragrance.  We enjoy the walk with whimsical "art" hidden in the nooks and crannies and hanging from the trees.  And the yummy breakfast croissant, breakfast potatoes, lavender scone and lemonade was so yummy sitting in the shade under the old, gigantic oak trees.     

The newly built barn is home to a horse, a donkey, a goat and a sheep.

Snapdragons in all colors along the walk...these were my favorite! 

Wisteria blooms remind me of Georgia.  I was a charter member of the LaGrange College Wisteria Garden Club...

The lavender smelled heavenly and was so pretty swaying in the breeze. 

Chandeliers in trees...

Tree fairies...

Benches, swings, and gliders and tubs of flowers, butterflies, and secret hiding places under mushrooms make for enjoyable "sit and take it all in" spots throughout the farm. 

A nibble a day....

Yummy fun under the oaks...

And the lavender quaint and pretty with a nice variety of All-Natural lavender products... 

Back at the oasis, we were up at daybreak and enjoying the early morning cool air. 

A pretty sunrise...

We met our goal of 10+ miles this week...

Sally helps with backyard chores after her morning walk...

Some of the birds are teaching/learning life lessons.

I couldn't believe my eyes Monday morning as a mama quail and her babies came thru the fence into our yard.  Nature is so amazing...what a good mama she is with her tiny little babies...we counted at least 12 of them.  She led them to the corner, gathered them all up and they slept there.  Some of the photos are fuzzy...but the sequence tells the sweetest story.  All the while, daddy quail was standing on the concrete column keeping a watchful eye for danger.  

This year I have been experimenting with flowers and what works best.  So far, all is good except for one plant that the birds have enjoyed more than we have.   Even with all the sticks, the tiny little lesser goldfinch and sparrows have managed to eat just about all there is to eat in this pot.  

Thursday, we had a teaser...lots of clouds, the smell of rain, lightening in the distance, but only a few drops at our house.  

However, yesterday was a glorious rained !  It didn't just rain, we had a beautiful monsoon storm complete with winds, thunder and lightening and a downpour that lasted for several hours.  I found myself walking from window to window and out to the patio it was so wonderful.  The temps dropped about 20 degrees.  

A beautiful sunrise to start the day with overcast skies most of the morning.

Mid afternoon before the storm...

That's a wrap for now, but I will close with a few more favorite photos from the week...

Until next time,



  1. You are correct--that table is perfect! So glad to hear Joe's eye is better! The lavender farm sounds wonderful--there is one near Willcox but I doubt the lavender is blooming while we are in residence. I am so, so excited that you had a monsoon! Loved your photos of the rain falling. How exciting to get to see quail babies and have them take a nap in your yard! And of course sweet Sally. Have a great week!

    1. Good morning Janna…and thank you! The other table was one my mom gave us and it was perfect in the Georgia house in the “living room”, but just a bit too fancy for here. It’s a bit of a drive to get to Oracle, but a fun morning walking there and I love lavender and picnics! So happy to have some rain and we have a good chance for more today and tomorrow. The skies sure are beautiful this time of year! Those quail babies were adorable and their mama so attentive to them. Sally gets a hair cut today…

  2. Oh man, those quail! Does it get any cuter than that? I think not!

    1. Good morning Jim…no, it doesn’t get any cuter! They were so tiny and their mama sitting on them was something I had not ever seen. I was sad they were gone when we got home from my appointment…

  3. Good Morning Gay! - Good to hear that Joe is making good progress
    Your table makes a perfect addition to our seating area
    The Lavender Farm looks perfect place to wander about on an early morning
    You personal covey of quail all hunkered down, just precious!

    1. And good morning to you too Jeff! I think it is so interesting how a small table can change the look and feel of the space. It just belongs there…I love reading in that corner! Aren’t those tiny babies just the cutest ever? I ran to get Joe and my camera and was so excited the pictures came out fuzzy. It’s a choice…enjoy the moment or focus the camera and I tried to do both…🤪.

  4. You sure make summer in the desert look appealing!! I haven't been to Gather since Christmas and must get back. The little table was meant to me yours. The lavender farm is such a special place, glad you went back and shared it with me! Your button quail are precious - hopefully the Road Runners and snakes won't find them in their safe little corner. Great pics!!

    1. Hi Jodee…the family of quail have moved on and like you, I sure hope they survive. Joe and I always enjoy perusing Gather and the other warehouse stores with Jamie and Andra lunch in the city is a treat! The family that owns the lavender farm are so nice and have worked so hard…we love going there and supporting their efforts.

  5. Great table! Good to read that Joe's eye is continuing to heal:) We watch the rain clouds move through AZ to our east. Very few ever get here which is why your desert is lush and ours is barren. But the silver lining for me is the lower humidity in the summer. Great photos of the rain!

    1. Hi Pam…thank you. I love this time of year and the monsoon storms are the icing on the cake for me. Summers in Georgia with 100% humidity whether it was raining or not…every single day were no fun. I hardly notice the humidity here…

  6. Another sweet, lovely post Gay. We found a lavender farm up near Jesse's home that was very nice, but nothing like "yours"! I carry a sprig in Beluga to remind me of that day. Those quail! We're all so lucky that you were able to capture that little vignette on "film"! I like your stick solution to keep birds from your's very artsy....

    1. Good morning Sue and thank you! I so enjoy the whiffs of lavender…we came home with a bundle I strategically placed in the living area. Mama quail sitting on her babies was just the sweetest ever. I have to try a different plant in those two pots. It would be a lot easier to just get some succulents or cacti, but I really wanted a pretty group of colorful blooms for the summer. Sounds like a visit to Civano…soon!
