Saturday, August 31, 2024

August is a Wrap!

Corona de Tucson 

August 31, 2024

I have been keeping an eye on the front yard bottlebrush tree.  This immature male Rufous Hummingbird has been hanging out there all week.  He won't be staying around here as he is migrating from Alaska...nearly 4,000 miles they southern Mexico.  What a treat it was to have him visit for a few days !  

And speaking of migrating...the White-winged Dove has made himself quite at home here.  They migrate here to enjoy the nectar, pollen, fruit, and seeds of the saguaro cactus.  All of this is totally essential to the preservation of the saguaro and ironically the Sonoran Desert is the only place in the entire world where the saguaro cacti exist !

They are so dependent on the saguaro that they time their migration and nesting to match the fruiting schedule. I read an interesting fact...the saguaro seeds are the only tiny seeds the White-winged Dove will bother with and that is because those tiny seeds...2,000 +... sit in a large cup-shaped fruit that makes them plentiful and easy to eat.  

We don't think these White-winged Dove are going anywhere !  

I can't believe August has come, has gone, and is now in the memory bank.  This week was another nice week as we had not one thing on the calendar except to change the AC Filters and pull a few weeds in the yard.  We headed over to Jamie and Andra's last Sunday for a visit and had lunch with them at a nearby Mexican Cafe...Ole Mexican.  It is so cute with all the colorful murals, the service was great, and the shrimp tacos, refried beans, and guac were yummy.  On Thursday, we made a trip to the post office and took the long way home.  Houghton road is a long, straight road almost from the base of the Santa Rita Mountains to Catalina Highway which is the road we go Mt Lemmon on.  We headed west towards the Santa Ritas.  

Headed towards the Santa Ritas....

We stopped for pictures along the way...


The road ended and we had to turn around...

The Catalinas in the distance as we headed home...

Friday morning, we went to see if Madera Creek had running water.  We are happy to report that it did.

It's also nice to take a walk with shade...

Back at the oasis, we pretty much carried over what we enjoyed last week...napping, watching the clouds, and rocking on the patio, making for another uneventful and quiet and wonderful week.  I did make parmesan crusted tilapia baked with cherry tomatoes...

and baked cornbread tacos for meals this week.  Sometimes I surprise myself !

To close, I'll just share a few favorite photos from home...

Blue skies and rain squalls...

Agave plant on the patio...

Butterflies are enjoying the frontyard lantana...

This little sparrow was very serious about his bath time...

Early morning sunrise from the cart path...

Brand new leaves on the bottlebrush tree in the backyard...

An early morning sunrise from our backyard...

My sweet mother-in-law said every room needs a touch of red...that should include the yard too...

The hummingbird moths are enjoying the frontyard lantana too...

The rain squalls skirted us this week...not a lot of rain at our house...

 Our sweet little Sally...

Until next time...

Madera Canyon Road...

A local resident at Madera Canyon... 

Sally enjoying her last August morning walk...



Ozzie is very excited college football starts today !  

Have a great week and start to September everyone !


  1. And I am for one glad to see August in the rear view mirror! Loved the photo of Joe and Sally (looking forward to seeing you guys again!), the ladybug on the plant, the little sparrow taking a bath, our birds are eating bunches at the feeders--preparing to depart for warmer country. I love those weeks with nothing on the calendar.

    1. Good morning Janna…thank you! We are looking forward to seeing you and Michael and meeting Kayce soon too! When will you head south? Our birds are eating a lot too, but they don’t seem to be going anywhere…🤪! Next week we have three appointments…Joe will definitely be taking me to lunch…👍!

  2. I knew hummingbirds migrated, but had no idea some migrated 4000 miles. Bet those little wings get tired. Your colorful oasis continues to be beautiful with the cactus showing off.
    Ozzie is a fan of the Crimson Tide?

    1. Good morning Jeff…thank you! It’s amazing how far those tiny little birds travel to breed and then return home. My mom, my brother and I lived with my grandparents from the time I was 9 years old. My grandfather was a huge Bear Bryant fan and Bama football was a Saturday thing at our house! Jamie and my granddad were very close so naturally Jamie is a Bama fan too! Roll Tide and yes, they won last night!

  3. love the pictures Gay, especially Madera Canyon. It changes with the seasons doesn't it.

    1. Good morning Sue…thank you! I never grow tired of walking/hiking at Madera Canyon. It does change with the seasons and yesterday, the butterflies were out in full force…so colorful fluttering here, there and everywhere.
