Monday, September 23, 2024

It's Fall !

Corona de Tucson

September 22, 2024

It's so much fun to say "It's Fall!". And if we were back in Georgia we would add the "Y'all".    What a nice surprise to walk out with Sally yesterday morning and again this morning with temps in the high 50s.  In fact, this morning, I had on long sleeves and Uggs.  Of course I didn't wear them long as it warms up pretty fast once the sun is up.  The forecast calls for 10 more days in the high 90s before cooler days are here to stay.  

The Blanket flowers are seeding.  I removed spent blooms all summer, but have decided to let them seed.  These beauties are short-lived perennials meaning they grow/bloom for 3 to 4 years.  They bloom early summer til frost.  The plants we have enjoyed all summer are in pots on the sunny side of the patio.  We have plans to re-plant them in a few weeks in the yard.  

I read that Pentas are grown as annuals in most climates, but in warmer climates like Tucson, they are grown as perennials.  If they are damaged by frost, directions say to cut the damaged parts in spring to promote growth and blooms.  We haven't decided if we will re-plant them or not.  The hummingbirds have enjoyed the pentas as much as we have. 

The Gilas have been busy this week.  We have a pair that frequently visit.  They are so polite taking one white seed each time and flying away.


A pair of Curved-billed Thrashers have also been busy at the feeders.  

The Cactus Wrens are always noisy and busy and make us laugh out loud.

And this Gambles and lizard actually crossed paths...not sure which one was more surprised as neither one lingered.  

The highlight of the birds this week was a mature Cooper's hawk that perched on the fence.  It was interesting because on our Monday morning walk, we saw the hawks...3 of them perched in a dead tree by the cart path.  We stopped and enjoyed watching them for a few is amazing to see them take flight and not hear a sound.  They were definitely hunting and circling for breakfast.  

What a wonderful surprise to have one of then visit during coffee.

Last Sunday,  clouds rolled in just before sunset.  

It sure made for a beautiful walk...

It also made for a wonderful nights rained all night into the wee morning hours and what a real treat it was to smell the fresh desert air and see the clear blue sky Monday morning.

I missed the Harvest moon rising, but did get a photo of it setting,

And I will close with a few extra photos that make me smile...


If I ignore him maybe he will just go away !

Our sweet little morning helper...

The stink eye...

Snuggles with Sally...

Until next time, 



  1. Good morning Gay! Your pentas look great in their pots, will they winter better in the ground? Seems like there are more birds hanging out in the fall, your photos always bring out their best. Your hawk is certainly the king this week.

    1. Good morning Jeff…we have really enjoyed the flowers this spring and summer. I planted lots more than I have in the past two years we were here. I’m not sure what we will do with the Pentas for the winter just yet. I read I could leave them in the pots and bring them inside, but I don’t really hve anywhere inside to keep them. Thank you…I love the challenge of photographing the birds. Agreed that the hawk is king this week, but my favorite photos were of the Curve-billed Thrasher…those eyes sure catch my attention.

  2. I wish your pair of Gila woodpeckers would fly up here and teach ours some manners. Polite is NOT a word I'd use for them. Noisy, pushy and argumentative are better descriptors! Our favorites are the Cactus Wrens....they're so funny and curious.
    Love the cloud pictures, one of best things about living in the desert is that fantastic sky!

    1. Good morning Sue…your descriptors of the Gilas are exactly how I would describe the Curved-billed Thrashers here. It’s funny the Gilas are so different. The pair of Gilas usually get their seed and fly to the palm tree and disappear in the fronds. I think the palm is so ugly with all these dead leaves, but the birds sure are attached to it. The thrashers on the other hand have a beautiful voice most of the time, but are quite bossy at the feeders. Joe and I both agree that the Cactus Wrens are our favorite too…such personality! And yes, the desert skies are totally awesome!

  3. Birds are so funny!! Most of our "feeder" type birds have flown south. I still have the chickadees which I love! That photo of Sally under the chair is precious! How cool to have the hawks visit and even an up close visit!

    1. Good morning Janna…birds are great entertainment and I do enjoy photographing them. I miss the chickadees…we had them in Georgia. I also miss the Titmouse…they often nested and started their families in a dogwood tree beside our back porch. Nice memories you conjured up…thank you! Sally says “thank you!” These are special days with her and we are so thankful to have this time with her.
