Chula Vista, CA
January 25, 2017
In between rainy days, we have had a couple of fun sunny days. Monday, Jan. 16, we met Lisa and Hans at Ocean Beach for a walk and lunch. It's always fun connecting with them and catching up. So much so, I didn't get many pictures of us !
OB is home to the OB Municipal Pier which is one of the most visited landmarks in San Diego. It was officially christened in July 1966 and just celebrated its 50th anniversary.
The pier extends 1971 feet. Hans informed us the pier is the longest concrete pier on the west coast.
It's unique T-shape at the end of the pier adds 360 feet to the south and 193 feet to the north.
There is no fishing license required to fish from the pier. Herring is the most common fish caught and there is no limit. But, the only fish we got a glimpse of was a shark !

I love this view of the pier from the south end extension.

The tide was in so we strolled through neighborhoods. It's so diverse and charming. According to Lisa the streets have changed very little since the time she grew up here.

Walking and talking always works up a good appetite. I love fish tacos so Hans and Lisa suggested South Beach Bar and Grill...great company, awesome view of the ocean, and yummy food.
The next day on Tuesday, we enjoyed a nice easy bike ride along Mission Beach - Pacific Beach Boardwalk, also known as Oceanfront Boardwalk . We ride south to north about 4 miles one way.
Biking along the boardwalk has it's challenges...dodging bicycles, skaters, and walkers...there is an 8 MPH speed limit.
The south end of the boardwalk (on the right side with wide open beach views) is residential with quaint old homes, apartments and condos. I dream every time I ride by there !
About halfway, is Belmont Park...home to the Giant Dipper.
The Giant Dipper was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. It consumes 2.8 acres, is 2,600 feet long, it's 70 ft high with a 60 ft maximum drop.
Unfortunately, the Dipper is closed this time of year for maintenance.
Construction on the pier, which started in the early 1920s, progressed in stops and starts.
The Cottages were built in 1930 and have a history of guests enjoying the unique experience of "sleeping over the ocean".
The end of trail for us is the north end where the trail runs atop a 75-foot bluff.
Ronnie and Carol enjoy the view and the sunshine !
On Thursday before the rains and winds settled in for the weekend and beyond, we met Hans and Lisa at The Blue Guitar, a guitar shop in San Diego.
Joe watches on as Hans and DeForrest, the owner, talk guitars.

We all enjoyed lunch at El Pollo Loco. Joe and I chose the stuffed chicken quesadilla...way to much food, but guess who ate every bite !
So until next time, take care and...