Sunday, September 17, 2017

A Sneak Peek

Gopher Flats
Moab, UT
September 13, 2017

With storms forecast later in the week, Dee and Joe and I decided it was a beautiful, cool morning to take the LaSal Pass.  We could tell the south-west peaks were not so colorful from Moab, but the north-east side, however, piqued our interest so off we went to take a peek. 

Rose hips had taken the place of wild rose flowers.

 Not a lot of color here...but the cool breeze was nice.

Aspens teased with hints of yellow.

The Manti and LaSal Forests were combined in 1949. Today it covers 1.4 million acres.  These forests have beckoned people for hundreds of thousands of years. 


As far as colors go, a tease is all we got.  What we did enjoy was a peaceful retreat, solitude, and quiet.  

The relaxing sound of aspens clapping,
 shadows dancing, 

and beautiful landscapes is always calling.
Until next time, 


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Summertime in Moab !

Gopher Flats
Moab, UT
Summer 2017

This has been a fantastic summer. Joe and I have enjoyed staying put for awhile.  Of course, we have great friends here to spend time with, have made lots of new friends,  and our new toy, better known as Wile E. Coyote, has been a blast !  Yes, it has been, make that toasty warm...but that has not deterred us from getting out early in the mornings and enjoying the trails. In fact, we added 222.6 miles of wheeling to Wile E's odometer.  

Here are some highlights from June, July and August...

Ber and Carole sharing maps and discussing options on Polar Mesa.

Ber and Charlotte at the over look on Polar Mesa.  Ber led Polar Mesa Trail and shared lots of stories about his dad who drove a mining truck on this very trail back in the early 1900s.  We love his stories and history!  Ber had just turned 93 years old the day before.

Following Ber on Onion Creek to Thompson Canyon then Polar Mesa.

Onion Creek is very colorful...and lots of fun.  We crossed the creek 29 times.

Awesome fun following Jeff on Cliffhanger.  Here we (Jeff, us, Glen and Dee) are parked at the overlook.

Jamie on Metal Masher...
Following Dee on Moab Rim is a treat ! Here we just climbed Devil's Crack on the cliff edge and are headed to the Z Turn.  This trail starts out with a bang...and scary fun ! 

We had Moab Rim all to ourselves except for a couple of hikers.  This was a bit scary...for real !  Our brakes gave away just as we descended Z Turn.  Thank goodness for this boulder and a huge "whew moment" this happened before we got to Devil's Crack.

Hell' Revenge remains one of my favorite trails.    
Thanks to Dee, we met a great group of Canadians led by Jay Malo.  We joined them on several trails during the week they were here.  
The first trail was Behind the Rocks...

The Rocks

Another day, we joined them on Pickle and Mashed Potatoes.  I love this short and narrow canyon with lot of ledges called Pickle...
Wile E wiggles his way around and up through a very narrow spot.  Locals say this is the spot that gave the Pickle its name. 

And lastly, we joined them on Rusty Nail.  Here Dee spots Jay up Riff Raff.
Driving down the switchback on Gemini Bridges Road after Rusty Nail.

Dover enjoying a cool morning on Willow Springs Road.  

Part of the trail in Arches NP is in a wash.  Sometimes, it looks like the plants are tip toeing.

Another day on Cliffhanger Dee took this picture just as we were descending the Cliffhanger Obstacle.  It shows how really close to the cliff edge it is.  Going down you can hug the wall, but going up on the way out, you hug the edge...yikes!

Our only sunset ride was on 7 Mile Rim.  This was a scheduled monthly ride for Red Rock 4 Wheelers and always a popular ride.  

The late day lighting was perfect.

The sunset only so-so.
We always park below the Merrimac Butte...
...facing the Monitor Butte.

Until next time...