Sunday, May 19, 2024

It Just Depends...

Corona de Tucson

May 19, 2024 

Uneventful came to mind when I sat down to write this weeks post.  Some might say it is boring, humdrum, lacks importance or interest.  Others might say uneventful is calm, quiet and ordinary.  

Our week has been most uneventful...not the humdrum uneventful, more like the calm and quiet uneventful.  Sometimes it is nice not to have anything that has to get done.  All three of us enjoyed the morning weather and the patio.  

Sunset walks are nice !

My new favorite color...a blooming prickly pear on a morning walk.

And Sally...

Maybe next week will be more eventful and then again, maybe not.  Life is pretty good at our little oasis ! 

Until next time...



  1. Sally, the ever cutie! We had our first Oriole this week. A pair actually, I do not know if they are staying in the area or just passing through, but it was cool to see and hear them!

    1. Hi Jim...I sure hope the Oriole visits again. We have doubled the oranges which I read they love. Lucky you to see a pair! Sally is as sweet as she is cute...we cherish everyday we have with her.

  2. The prickly pear blooms are beautiful! They reflect the colors found in your Arizona sunsets. I bought a prickly pear jam, which highlights the same color and was quite tasty.
    You remind me it's about time to get our bird feeders back out.

    1. Hi Jeff...I think that orange color is so pretty. And how cool you compared It to the sunset...that's awesome! The birds have been busy around here which makes us happy!

  3. I will go with the uneventful being quiet, calming, a good place to be. Loved that shot of the curved bill taking a bath! And the upside down birds on the oranges. And of course sweet Sally.

    1. Hi too! Isn't that little curved-bill so cute? He ended up going back and forth from the fence to the bath and having a great time! Sally is doing well and seems to be happy these days. She likes the patio!

  4. Looks like you were busy documenting being uneventful.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy your documenting.

    It's about time.

    1. Hi Rick, I usually always have my camera if I am sitting on the patio. It's fun to see the birds and great practice to try and capture a decent photo. I delete a lot too...

  5. Calm, quiet and uneventful is highly underrated!

    1. Hi Sue...I totally agree!

  6. Capturing the loveliness of the ordinary is a gift, as is the enjoyment of it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Jodee…I like ordinary more and more these days! It is a gift and should not go unnoticed or unappreciated. You can come sit a spell on the patio anytime…we love company!
