Sunday, February 2, 2025

Happy Just Being Home...

January 31, 2025

Corona de Tucson 

So the first title for the blog was "Content", but I changed it because I didn't want to confuse anyone that there was actually any subject matter written here today.  It is more about being content...a state of peaceful happiness kind of content. We have been pretty much homebound the last few weeks...not homebound because we were sick or had to be, but homebound by choice.  We both love being home, wearing comfy clothes, doing absolutely nothing or doing what we absolutely enjoy.  It's our own comfy place...quiet, calm, warm, safe, and peaceful.  

We did have a couple of Lucy destinations.  Last week we went to McDonald Park, a new to us park to walk with Lucy on the trail.  

Barney's human mom said he would love to play!

But when we arrived, there was the cutest golden doodle in the fenced in doggie park and Lucy was too excited to go on a walk.  Chasing was the game of choice.  The only other puppy Lucy has played with is Ozzie and we were happy for her to socialize.  Of course the first thing we did when we got home was a bath for Lucy...she was filthy !

Lucy LOVES baths ! 

Lucy also had a spa day...a bath, a haircut, and a pedicure.  She looked so dang cute in her little pink bows and was so happy to see us when we picked her up. 

Other than that I had two biopsies at the dermatologist and Joe had a great report from the cornea specialist.  Joe's eye has completely healed and the bandaid contact is gone, and he has decent peripheral vision.  

So back at the oasis, we have enjoyed a hodgepodge of weather was freezing, hailing, windy, snowing, rainy, and sunny warm weather all blended in to the last two weeks of January.  

I tried a few new recipes.  My favorite was a one pan baked salmon and fingerling potatoes, sweet peppers and cherry tomatoes.  Quite yummy !

The veggies (coated in a little olive oil) goes on one side of the pan with the salmon (rubbed with a little olive oil on both sides) on the other cooks about 25 minutes and I served the salmon on top of the veggies for dinner.

Joe's favorite was Crack Chicken Soup.  It was yummy too !  I had to look up why it is called Crack and it's because it can be addictive...duh!  A weird blend of ingredients...a packet of ranch seasoning mix, with other spices, spinach, heavy cream and cream cheese, and I cheated and used a rotisserie chicken. It is topped with crumbled bacon and sharp cheddar. 

I did experiment with chicken quesadillas.  Rotisserie chicken with sautéed mushrooms, spinach, mozzarella and sharp cheddar cheese topped with sour cream and avocados.  We have actually had them easy!  

We have had a few winter visitors...this sweet little Ladder-back female...

and Yellow-rumped Warblers.

So January is a memory...a very nice memory for us.  Lucy is growing like a weed weighing in at 12.8 pounds and a nice combination of playing and cuddling at 5 months old.  She is still testing the waters which is sometimes frustrating and sometimes very funny for us. But one thing is for certain...we sure do love her !


She loves to sit and watch the birds.

Until next time...

McDonald Park



  1. Hi Gay !!! - Best news is you are both doing well and comfy at the oasis. I'm still a month out from my eye surgery consultation. I sure expect to have the success that Joe has experienced. I'd rather be a pirate than Mad Eye Moody, but I'd prefer success!
    That doodle is so much bigger than Lucy, nice that they both had a fun day.

    1. Good morning Jeff…I can say with confidence that Joe would prefer Jack Sparrow over Mad Eye Moody every time! And so would I! We sure hope things go well for you. Joe still has blurry vision which can not be corrected and seems to deal with it most of the time. Success is being able to keep his eye and so far so good with that!

  2. Content and at home is always a good thing in my book. I have an easier time being content with my books, knitting and playing with Kayce. Michael needs to be a bit busier! That Lucy is adorable, so cute!! Your recipes look delicious, which Crack Chicken Soup one did you use--there are a gazillion recipes on the internet. As always, love your bird photos--we are finally seeing a few birds on our feeder. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Good morning Janna…I quickly dismissed my concerns that being content is also being in a rut. Sometimes, I think we have winter to slow the pace so we can catch up with our busy selves. I also like books, games, cross stitch, and like you, walking and playing with Lucy is at the top of the list these days. So different from having older pups! I will send you the soup recipe. Next time I make it, I will make some cornbread too!

  3. Great news about Joe's eye - what a relief! Lucy is growing so fast. Her companion looks a lot like Tessa who I wish would play with other doggies like that. Finding contentment in the comfy is a blessing for sure. Your cute birdies certainly add to that.

    1. Hi Jodee…it is a relief about Joes eye and I’m so excited we can scratch eye Dr appointments off the list of “ dreaded appointments” for awhile. Lucy, so far, hasn’t met a stranger…four legged or two legged.

  4. We, too, are "content" being home. We have a great routine with rotating exercise activities depending on the wind. Pickleball when not windy in the morning, bike riding when not too windy, and hiking/walking when windier...haha! Everything depends on the wind which we have A LOT of here. I do get antsy, though, hence our impromptu trip to Lake Havasu. And I got another bug this weekend with the warm weather and found one spot open in Valley of Fire. So off we went Wed morning for two nights. Hiking Valley of Fire is spectacular and never gets old. Two nights away feels like a long time. With our smaller MH fitting is never an issue. Sheet pan salmon and veggies is a go to for me, as well. And soups in the winter are always a favorite. Your Cracked Chicken looks so yummy. Experimenting nightly with new recipes is such fun. So good to hear Joe's eye is doing well and he has some peripheral vision:) Fingers crossed your biopsies are negative. Sounds Lucy is very comfortable in her new home and doing well:)

    1. Hi Pam…thank you so much for the update. Sounds like a wonderful life you have ! The winds are so much easier to deal with than the humidity and rain and chill they both add this time of year. We also go thru windy spells here too which leads to a weather change of some kind. I LOVE Valley of Fire! We enjoyed a couple of days there back in the day during a stay in Las Vegas. I feel the same way about Saguaro NP…it never gets old either! One of my biopsies was benign and the other a pre-cancer which I will have checked again in May just to make sure. Lucy is a bundle of joy, mischief, and love. Everyday she discovers new things! It’s always good to hear from you Pam…thanks for keeping in touch!
