Sunday, June 20, 2021

Its a vacation!

Gopher Flats
Moab, UT
June 2021

Our Corona de Tucson backyard at sunset...

As most folks already know, Joe and I returned to Tucson last October 2020 (a month earlier than planned) for two reasons.  First to take care of some issues at the dermatologist and to find and buy a home.  Thanks to Dr Hu (who had to detach Joes ear lobe, remove a squamous cell carcinoma and reattach his ear lobe) and to Kevin Wood ( owner of The Wood Group and by far the best realtor in Tucson) we accomplished both goals by mid January.  The next several months were very busy. We finally moved in to our new home nestled in a quiet neighborhood in the small community of Corona de Tucson on March 3rd. 

After three months of hard work and settling in, it was time for a vacation.  Even though we knew it would be hot, we headed north to Moab.   


We arrived just in time to join MFFW for a clean up day on LaSal Loop Pass Trail.  

One of our favorite lunch spots.

The clean up crew parked for lunch...

We picked up trash along the way and removed several downed trees that were blocking the trail.

Tragically, the following Wednesday (June 9), an unattended campfire started the Pack Creek fire not too far up the road from Gopher Flats.  When I started this post a few days ago, the fire had burned 8,500+ acres and was only 36% contained.   Firefighters have worked tirelessly day and night and we counted 8 helicopters on the old airport strip across the street...the hum of the copters is constant. 

Day 1 photo taken from the doggie park at Gopher Flats.

Day 3 photo taken from Belle's front window.  It is surprising to me that the only time we smell smoke is early in the morning when its light out, but the sun isn't up yet.

Day 3 photo taken from the front of Dee's casita.
Dee’s photo taken from her balcony…

I copied this photo from Google.  It was taken from Canyonlands NP (over 60 miles away) by a news crew from Salt Lake City.

There are two reasons we came to Moab.  First to be here on Dee's birthday and the second reason was to visit with Dee’s sister, Kathleen. We  hadn't seen Kathleen in 6 years.  Outdoor activities have been scarce because of the heat.  But one morning...very early...we joined Dee and Kathleen for a trail run up Strike Ravine.  

Moab's version of Boulder City...

And another morning...also very early...we joined Sally, Dee and Kathleen for a hike.  Sally (a Moab local for about 10 years) hikes everyday.  We love meeting great, energetic people with a passion for sharing their favorite places. Sally now joins that list with Dee in Moab.  Our hike took us down into a valley with a a flowing stream, gorgeous cliff walls with several petroglyph sites, flowers and trees, and up and over lots of slick rock.  It was perfect...3.5 miles of captivating beauty with friends topped off with a yummy brunch in town. 

Sally, Dee and Kathleen lead the way.


I was definitely on camera overload !

Sally's puppy Billie Rose...

Such details...I love the antlers and split hooves !


Holding hands and...
and sticking together was a definite theme in this area.  So sweet !

It's been a great vacation for the puppies too.  We don't have grass at our house so they were totally into running, chasing lizards, rolling on their backs and just laying in the shady, cool grass.  

Our sweet Dover turned 14 this past January.

Jack, always the life of the party and a bit spoiled turns 13 in July.

And Sally who we rescued from a kill shelter in July 2009 (the vet guessed she was 2-21/2) made a few loops but mostly enjoyed rolling on her back in the grass. She is somewhere between 13-14 also. 

Joe and I celebrated our 38th anniversary this month. The love of my life.

Can't admit we have changed very much...but our children have definitely grown up with children of their own.  Time sure flies !

Many visits and lots of laughs, great food (at favorite restaurants..its just too hot to cook), and naps and relaxing filled most of days and evenings.  

So until next time, a blast from the past...



  1. So good to hear from you. Glad you made it to Moab cause I love your pictures.

    1. Thank you Sandie! It’s been a long absence…I need to fix that!

  2. I too love your photos and it's so good to read that you are enjoying your vacation! Love the photos of the pooches!

    1. Thanks Janna! The pups have had a wonderful time!

  3. Glad you made it back to Moab for a few trail rides. I'm sure Wile-E enjoyed the exercise. Great having you catchup and seeing your wonderful pictures.
    We have a couple nights at Arches scheduled for the end of July ... thought we'd wait till it warmed up a bit more :)

    1. PS - Happy Anniversary! and Happy Father's Day, Joe!

    2. Thank you Jeff. Without putting a whole lot of pressure on myself, I really want to get back in the habit of reading more blogs and writing more blogs. Hopefully Arches will not be too busy in late July…still hot though! I just read that the gates are closed around 9 am every morning so we didn’t even ride through there this trip! Thanks for the happy wishes!

  4. Happy to see you back - back here in the blogosphere and back there in your beloved Moab! I love seeing the dogs enjoying themselves in the cool green grass. Lewis is always beside himself when he finds such treasures.

    1. The doggie park is our go to spot every evening from 7:00 to 8:00. If we forget, Jack reminds us by going to the cabinet where his ball is…👍. Hope Lewis finds his grassy treasure soon if he hasn’t already!

  5. I laughed at the photo overload, knowing how drawn I am to taking them after months of being stationary in Arizona! Beautiful pics of the views and glyphs, what a treat. Tessa shares that joy at finding grass after too long :-) Congrats on 38 years. Enjoy your adventures!

    1. Thank you so much Jodee! I’m enjoying you views as well!

  6. So exciting to see you back in Moab. We really do need to make reservation to return one day. I do love that town. Good that you were able to get out for a some fun. I was surprised to read that the Tan Clan is that old. They always have so much energy. So happy to see Jack still has his trusty orange ball. So cute!! Happy Anniversary to you and Joe!! Looking forward to more photos of beautiful Moab.
