Sunday, May 26, 2024

A couple of celebrations...

Corona de Tucson

May 26, 2024 

Our week started off with good news from the oncologist.  It is Joe's 10 year anniversary...cancer free.   The doctor says we can go to bed thankful Joe is cured, come back in a year for reassurance and Joe has now re-entered the "normal population" for recurrence.  Sounds like a mighty good plan to us !

Our week ended with Joe's procedure at the eye doctor.  The doctor was successful scraping a build up of calcium off Joe's right eye cornea, dissolved it, and covered it with a contact he will wear for 10 days.  I was most impressed with the procedure. His eye was numbed and the eyelid propped open with a spring.  Joe was in a bit of discomfort Friday night, but work up Saturday morning all smiles and said he actually (already) could see shapes.  He was completely blind in that eye from the calcium.  Time will tell as his eye heals...the doctor said at best his sight would return to what it was 6 months to a year ago.  We will take that as it's better than no slight at all.  

We did errands another morning with a stop at the library, Civano Nursery and Fry's.  I was so excited to see a magnolia bloom at the nursery that I had to take a picture.  We don't see very many of these huge beautiful blooms here although magnolia trees will grow in our area.  Sure reminds me of Georgia and I had a brief walk down memory lane.  

I came home with a couple of new plants for the patio...

Joe and I are trying real hard to change up our routine.  You might remember that last summer we were up at the break of day and did our morning walk when it was cool.  This week we got in two of those walks and the other walks late in the afternoon.  For some reason, it has been hard to get up and head out early, but I am hoping with fingers crossed that once we get a few early walks behind us, we can at least get in four early 3 milers a week.  

 I love the early morning glow and the crisp morning air. 

But there is something special about late afternoons too...

One morning, we stopped to watch the ants.  Ants are such industrious creatures. I read that perhaps one of the most industrious creatures on earth.  Ants don't just "live in the moment", they prepare for future needs and help each other.  This little ant was very pulled the feather, pushed the feather, and carried it straight up and down.  He was fun to watch and Joe and I both wondered what the plan was...he definitely had one !

Back at the oasis this week we were happy to see the little female Ladder-back Woodpecker.  

The Gila Woodpeckers are still frequent visitors to the feeders and water.  


We see (and hear) lots of Gamble's Quail.


Sally seems to be happy walking under the chairs and smelling the flowers with lots of naps in between.  

And that's a wrap on another week...a very nice week indeed !

Tomorrow is Memorial Day...originally know as Decoration Day.  It is a day set aside for honoring military personnel who died while serving in our Armed Forces..the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Until next time...

Happy Trails!


  1. Very good news about Joe, but isn't kind of a stretch to call him "normal"? 😂 🤣

    I could not imagine having to go through that eye procedure though!

    Sally is adorable as always.

    1. Good morning Jim…thank you! Neither one of us really knows what normal is anymore so you might just be right 😉😂🤣! The worst part of that eye procedure was the dreading it all week. He is so happy it is done!

  2. Yea for Joe on all fronts! Here's hoping his vision continues to improve! It is hard to get going in the morning--I like to enjoy my coffee, sometimes too long then even in MT it gets too warm to walk. Magnolia blossoms--Mom has a big tree in her yard in Arkansas. Have a great week!

    1. Good morning Janna…thank you! There is nothing quite like the first sip of coffee in the morning! It’s nice to sit on the patio and watch the birds too and before we know it, it is lunch time! I have raked many a magnolia leaf, but it was so worth it to enjoy those beautiful flower!

  3. I'm so happy to hear the news about Dad's health. Thankful he's celebrating ten years cancer-free and that his vision is improving. Sending up continued prayers for health and healing. Love you both very much!

    1. Good morning Jill…thank you! We are also very thankful. Life is good at our little oasis, but we don’t take that for granted. We love you, Bill and Henry very much!

  4. Great news from both of Joe's doctors! I'm a morning walk person, and an evening couch potato, good for you for not falling into a rut. The evening skies can be so spectacular.
    Such a cute young quail, not yet having grown its topknot.

    1. Hi Jeff…thank you! I guess I would say I am more the morning person these days, but Joe is always happy to check the morning walk off the days list of things to do. Neither one of us likes cold weather…yep, it’s chilly here early in the morning in the winter months so we changed the routine and walked mid morning or mid afternoon. Now we have to adjust all over again…it’s such a hard life…🤪! We have had a yard full of Gambles…

  5. Hip hip hooray for Joe! (and you too of course) It's so freeing to get good news, lifting a weight you didn't realize was there. I like to enjoy my mornings quietly and they do seem to stretch til almost lunchtime!
    Last year, on our FFF trip, Dave was fascinated by those beautiful and fragrant Magnolias and brought them into Beluga whenever he saw them!

    1. Hi Sue…thank you! Doctor visits and good news are such a relief! I do enjoy quiet mornings too and the winter routine is my favorite for that reason…it’s too cold to walk! I do enjoy our walks and this time of year if we don’t go early, it’s too hot…such a dilemma we have…🤪! Magnolias have a lengthy blooming season…May-August. I loved having bunches of blooms in an old coal bucket on the hearth all summer in our den. And yes, they smell wonderful!

  6. Glad all is going so well with Joe's health. Fingers crossed the eye procedure gives Joe some vision. So good to have all the appointments behind. A relief for you both. Yes, extra early exercise time has arrived. We get to start a little later on bike riding day. We like to be out by 8:00 so we are finishing around 10:00. Pickleball and hiking have to start before 7:00. Luckily, the mornings are still relatively cooler. Always enjoy seeing sweet Sally:)

    1. Good morning Pam…thank you! Joe saw the big letters on the eye chart yesterday which is awesome! He goes back again next week so keep those fingers crossed! Days start early this time of year…I’m a fan, Joe not so much since he has had a feel for what “sleeping in” is like! We are happy to have just Sally time these days, but don’t take it for granted…she is a sweet puppy.

  7. All wonderful photos per usual, and that first one is a stunner! All wonderful news to celebrate, so happy for you both at Joe's success. LOL at watching the ants. It's amazing what, and how much, they can move - and how long they keep at it!

    1. Hmmmm, not sure what button I missed, but this is Jodee :-)))

    2. Hi Jodee…thank you! We have not had a lot of color in the sunsets the past few months so we were happy to be walking and see colorful clouds. Fingers crossed it is a good monsoon season and lots of gorgeous clouds this summer. I am so happy Joe had the eye procedure as we had discussed the possibility of him not driving anymore. Joe does ALL the driving and hopefully he will be able to chauffeur me around a few more years!
