Tuesday, July 9, 2024

4th of July Round-Up

Corona de Tucson

July 5, 2023 

As I wrote last Sunday's post, we were under a flash flood warning.  We had the most awesome storm...the works with pounding rain, high winds, thunder and lightening,  and a nice drop in the temp to 73 degrees mid afternoon.   

I tried really hard to capture the pounding rain and wind.  

The wind blew hard...the patio rug and cushions were soaked and we actually had water standing in the yard.  

 The plants were happy and so was I.

When the rain stops, I am usually out and about with camera in hand.

Rain droplets are fun to photograph!

Monday, the first day of July, dawned with ominous clouds...

Photo taken from our backyard about 5:30 am...

and yippee... we had more rain.  Not like Sundays's storm, a more gentle rain that we could enjoy watching from the rockers on the patio....

the kind of rain that's perfect for napping...

and the kind of rain that ends with a beautiful sunset walk. 

We enjoyed a nice 4th of July with Jamie and Andra.  The guys grilled burgers and we had all the fixings including a yummy watermelon.  

Thank you for posting your watermelon last week Janna!

When we walked out with Sally and Ozzie mid-afternoon, we rudely interrupted a family of quail...the daddy, the mama, and about a dozen or so tiny little babies.  The babies scattered in all directions.  They were quite tiny and Jamie said there must have been a nest in our yard and sure enough, we found the eggs hidden behind the top of Joe's moms birdbath that was propped up against some bricks on the side yard.  

The pups were immediately put back inside and our round-up began.  When I say the scattered in all directions, I really mean in all directions with one here, there, and everywhere...all over the yard.   It was almost comical as these tiny birds are vey quick and very camouflaged.   

Jamie scooped up as many and as best he could and returned them to their nesting spot.   


We haven't seen any of the babies since Thursday afternoon so I am hopeful they are happy and unharmed in the desert scrub behind our home.  

 The neighbors across the way had a few fireworks we enjoyed from the front yard.  


The rest of the week was quiet...

Sunrise on an early morning walk...

Joe ordered a glider for the yard...

A mesquite tree...

Our new summer favorite thing to eat...caprese asparagus with cherry tomatoes, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, and drizzled with balsamic vinegar glaze...so yummy! 

The early morning glow...

Our lucky day at Fry's...

Until next time...


The view from our glider...I wanted a sunset view.  Thank you Joe !


  1. That Joe--he's a keeper--fixing you a sunset view! So happy to hear you are getting rain. Our caretaker reported we had half an inch one day this past week. Your watermelon looks delicious--you are a good "picker" also! Your asparagus and tomato dish sounds divine! I too hope the little baby quail survived! Have a great week!

    1. Good morning Janna…thank you! We are enjoying every drop of rain we are getting and the skies that come with the storms. I love asparagus and this recipe is definitely a winner! Hope you, Michael and Kaycee have a great week too!

  2. A desert thunderstorm is always welcome, I'm sure it will not take long for the cushions to dry out.
    Sally has a perfect advertisement pose for the Costco dog bed.
    And your covey of quail ... how precious!, trust the family has reunited and remains safe!

    1. Good morning Jeff…we love the storms! They add a little excitement to summers here as they roll in and out! We all felt so bad for surprising the quail family and hope the mom and dad finished rounding them up and they are all safe.

  3. That picture of that last bird in the birdbath was awesome! And the baby quail! So cute.

    1. Hi Jim…that little sprrow was fun to watch…he thoroughly enjoyed himself and was in and out of the water several times before he left.
