Monday, July 29, 2024

Fifteen Years and Counting...

Corona de Tucson

July 29, 2024

As August approaches, I am always reminded that school is about to begin.  It has been 48 years since I walked into my very own first classroom and I can hardly believe that this summer marks my 15th summer for is that even possible?  I celebrated 34 "first days of school" and each year it was the same flurry of emotions...excited, nervous, anticipating, hoping I was ready and prepared, and so eager to meet my school "family" for another year.  Kindergarten and First Grade are special years and for many children it was/is their first school experience.  For me, it was the joy throughout the year from all the "firsts" these children experienced in our classroom and the successes they had that we all celebrated together that comes to mind.  Learning to read changes lives and I loved every day I had the opportunity to "do my job"...teaching children to read.         

The three of us had a wonderful week at home.  We have had several nice storms and one night it rained just about all night...with some wind and thunder and lightening in the mix.  It is wonderful to hear the patter of rain on the windows and even more wonderful to wake up early and be greeted with cool, clean air that smells of rain and the desert when you step outside. The sun is shining.  The sky is blue. What an awesome way to start the day ! 

We are really enjoying my flowers this summer.  I have to report that the zinnias did not make it past the first two storms, but the other flowers seem to be holding their own.  They have enjoyed the rain as much as we have.  


Pentas...I have this color and dark purple and red

Begonias and Spider plant

Copper Sun (Blanketflower)

The succulents and cacti add a bit of color too.

This is the other side of the cactus shown in the photo above...It has a very interesting way of growing.

Two days this past week, our street was under going a major upgrade.  The potholes and cracks were bad and now it is all smooth.  I'm not sure when the final coat will be applied...the date changes with the weather.

Joe and our neighbor (and friend) from across the street are on stand by to supervise.  

The birds are entertaining...especially just after the feeders are filled.  The Butter Bits (with calcium) are a favorite.  They go fast and the birds have learned "the early bird gets the food" and so they gather. 

The Butter Bits are more like suet.  We fill up four small cups every morning.  They are not messy and if you don't like seeds, they are a great alternative.  Calcium is vital for birds for many reasons.  It is a key component of eggshells and females need the calcium to produce strong eggshells and replenish what they loose after laying eggs.  And other than the common reasons like their skeletal system, they need it for beak and feather health as well. 

The babies are growing fast...

I just happened to have camera in hand when a Cactus Wren stopped by on his way to the palm tree...

And we are really going to miss the beautiful little females when they move on...

And this little Curve-bill Thrasher finally landed on the suet feeder after struggling to do so a few times...

Storms and amazing skies just go hand in hand this time of year in Arizona. 

Joe and I made a pound cake this week.  Have you ever had a buttered slice pf pound cake toasted in the oven with crispy edges?  Yum, yum!  Breakfast, lunch or just doesn't matter to me !

Well thats a wrap on our is good at the oasis ! Until next time...

...hope you have a great week.



  1. Hello Gay, and Joe! Your yard colors are just awesome! But the quail going after the Birdacious bark Butter bits is really precious. The youngsters are developing a nice top knot.
    It is fun, even hilarious, watching a newbie learning to use the feeders.

    1. Good morning Jeff…thank you! It’s fun and different having flowers in the desert. We are very thankful for all the rain we have had thus far. The quails LOVE the bits and will even wait in a line on the fence to get to the feeder. We both agree…the birds are great entertainment!

  2. That lizard is having a bad day! Love all your flowers, my flower beds are looking good this year too. Love the photo of Joe and the neighbor "supervising." And it's always good to have rain in the desert! Pound cakes are my favorite--I could eat the entire thing as they are not Michael's favorite--he's weird! :) :)

    1. Good morning Janna…thank you! I felt bad for the lizard and I wasn’t sure that photo should be included. I hope you will post photos of your flowers. I decided to use pots here, but in GA, I had beds of flowers. I bet you have a yummy pound cake recipe. I used half cup of sour cream and half a cup of plain Greek yogart. Do you use sour cream in pound cake?

    2. No, I use cream cheese. I will send you the recipe.

    3. Oh yummy! Thank you Janna!

  3. Your blooms are beautiful! Great photographs of the clouds and the cactus wrens. Something needs to keep those little lizards in check!

    1. Good morning Jim…thank you! I never imagined flowers would bloom in our backyard and be so pretty…it is the desert after all! They get watered everyday…either rain or the water hose. I was sad about the lizard, but we see kazillions of them everyday…😉! It was early in the morning so I figure there were some happy baby wrens in that palm tree. And I did read they eat the bones for calcium. Hope Barb is feeling better!

  4. I love all your flowers. So many colors and such a wonderful variety. I would so enjoy having them but I would need someone to plant and tend them. Haha! I've never enjoyed flower gardening but did love having vegetable gardens. Your bird friends are always so cute in your photos. Poor lizard:(

    1. Good morning Pam and thank you! If we were closer, I would pitch in to help! It is such a rewarding hobby. On the other hand, back in GA I tried many times to grow tomatoes and other veggies, but with no luck. Hope you and John are doing well…

  5. The baby quails are so adorable! I love all the photos of pretty flowers and skies. :)

  6. Oh! I almost forgot to mention... 34 years in the classroom is absolutely amazing! You touched so many lives- what a gift!
