Sunday, September 15, 2024

No News...

Corona de Tucson

September 15, 2024

Hummingbirds are amazing!

Simple phrases like..."No news is good news." or "A picture is worth a thousand words." or "A man's home is his castle." or "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." all come to mind as I sit down to write a blog post this week.  The list could go on, but the point is I really don't have much to say this week.  Two adventures had us in the road last week.  First to Green Valley as Sally had an appointment to get her Librela shot...

and second to the city to meander thru the September market at Gather, enjoy our favorite fries, burgers and sweet tea at Five Guys, and make a quick stop at Trader Joe's.  

Back at the oasis, we have just been walking and enjoying piddling with this and that. Nothing blog worthy, but "no news is good news..." just doesn't cut the mustard. Sometimes, no news might just be not so good news and no one would ever know.  So, we will go with a "a picture is worth a thousand words..." even though I am not sure a thousand words best suits either...maybe a hundred words!

Photos from our neighborhood/cart path morning walks...

The backyard birds...

An immature male Vermillion Flycatcher...

And then there were two!

And the sweet little female Vermilion Flycatcher too...

The Gamble's are growing fast...

Our biggest piddling project for the week was picking out and framing family photos...

And last, our backyard skies...

We think good news is better than no news.  Life is good at the oasis.  Have a great week everyone ! Until next time,



  1. Those pictures just filled a book. Great pictures too.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Good morning Rick… thank you! I do love taking pictures!

  2. Always you have great pictures to share, including the, now adult, quail! Joe did another great job laying the family photos ... sure looks like his eye is healing nicely! How does he do that?
    The dramatic sky photos certainly show off your Arizona skies.

    1. Good morning Jeff! Thank you…aren’t those quails just the cutest ever? It’s been fun watching them grow. Joe uses a level and a yard stick to hang pictures. I’m glad he won’t let me do it because I don’t measure and make way too many holes!

  3. No news IS good news! Life is made up of small moments, thanks for sharing yours with us. Taos had a "quail encounter" this morning! A bevy flew out of our small palm tree and one hit the fence, got his/her foot caught, and ended up hanging upside down in it - yelling it's head off! Taos went bonkers, sniffing and poking it gently then zooming around the yard like he was possessed! Dave to the rescue and the silly bird flew away, still yelling. Taos is exhausted and snoring away in the living room!

    1. Hi Sue…what an awesome puppy Taos is and what a big heart he has! Poor boy was so concerned about the quail and his yelling! Your story touches my heart and I can see him now feeling so helpless and wanting to fix it! Also, happy to read you, Dave and Taos are safely home from your epic trip.

  4. Sometimes "no news" is most definitely good news. Love the vermillion flycatchers! Your guest room is so welcoming!!--I want to come stay there!! And your Five Guys looked amazing!! A good week in my book!

    1. Good morning Janna…you, (and Michael and Kaycee) are always welcome here. Come anytime! Five Guys is always a treat!

  5. Nothing wrong with a slow week! Your birdbath sure seems to be a hit. Love the pictures of those quail, they are so cute. As is Ms. Sally!

  6. Hi Jim…we love to watch the birds in the birdbath and usually chuckle out loud when they splash and shake over and over. The quails have lots of fans on this blog, but I still think the cactus wrens are my favorite…😉. Sally says thank you!
